Course Syllabus

Modern Physics, PHYS 3550, Section 1

Class Meeting Time:  Tues. and Thurs. 2-3:15 PM, Kinard 223

Instructor:  Dr. Chad Sosolik


Office:  Kinard 203

Office Hours:  T/R  11-12

Phone: 864-656-0310

Course Description:

Study of the topics of modern physics, including relativity, atomic physics, quantum mechanics, condensed-matter physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particles. Preq: MATH 2060 and PHYS 2220.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Apply concepts from special relativity to analyze physical situations, including time dilation, length contraction, and the Lorentz transformation. Solve basic problems involving relativistic momentum and energy.
  2. Apply Wien's and Stefan's law to analyze blackbody radiation. Solve basic problems involving the photoelectric and Compton effect.
  3. Apply basic concepts of quantum mechanics to analyze basic physical setups, including a particle in a box and simple atomic models.
  4. Use quantum numbers to calculate important aspects of the hydrogen atom.
  5. Estimate molecular quantities, including rotational energies and equilibrium separation distances.
  6. Calculate solid state quantities, including dissociation energies, electron energy levels, and semiconductor carrier properties.
  7. Calculate nuclear mass defects and binding energies. Solve for the energies of particles produced in fission and fusion reactions.
  8. Use particle conservation laws to determine particle reaction and decay pathways.


Topical Outline:

  • Selected Topics from Modern Physics
    • Special Relativity
    • Quantum Mechanics
    • Atomic Physics
    • Condensed Matter/Solid State
    • Nuclear Physics
    • Particle Physics

Required Materials -- Textbook:

Available for free online:
University Physics, Volume 3 from OpenStax, ISBN 1-947172-03-4 

You have several options to obtain this book:

  • View online (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
  • Download a PDF (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
  • Order a print copy (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) 
  • Download on iBooks (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) 


Major Assessment/Grading Activities:

Homework Sets:  25%  (one per chapter/topic area)

Exam 1:  30%

Exam 2: 30%

Final Exam: 15%


Grading System:

A:  90 - 100, B: 80 - 89, C: 70 - 79, D: 60 - 69, F: 0 - 59


Grading Policies:

Grades will be rounded up according to the standard rules to the nearest integer percent, e.g. 89.5% would be rounded up to 90%.


Missed or Late Assignments:

Missed or late assignments may be made up within one (two) week(s) of the posted due date for a 25% (50%) reduction in the possible score.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due